Creamy Mashed Potatoes

Theres nothing as delicious and smooth as homemade mashed potatoes. Don't buy the store bought fake mashed potato flakes that claims to be fast and authentic. Make your own. Mashed potatoes can be made in a few different styles. Creamy, Chunky and Skinned. I like all them In the picture above I made 'Creamy Cream Cheese Mashed Potatoes' here is how... To make it all you need is: Potatoes milk butter salt pepper cream cheese (optional) Boil a pot full of water.Whilst the water is coming to a boil. Peel as many mashed potatoes as you want to eat and dice them into big chunks. (Tip: As soon as you finish dicing them, put your potatoes immediately into a bowl of water because with potatoes if they are exposed to the air they get black immediately. Putting them into water keeps them white.) Once you are done with all of them put them all at the same time into the pot of water and let it boil and cook for about 10 - 15 minutes. You will know they are done ...