How do I make??????

This blog is made solely to help you better your cooking skills, techniques and come up with new creative ideas in making well, anything in the kitchen. There are many emails I receive from blog viewers world wide sharing their cooking experiences on how they have grown and developed in the cooking field by simply reading my blog posts and actually putting it into practice. Not just looking at all the pictures and thinking "wow what a creative idea", or "mmmm…. that looks so yummy". These people are actually reading the posts and getting to work and improving their skills. Thats why they are actually improving, bettering their skills, adding another talent to their board and adding health to their bodies with the consumption of home cooked delicious meals made from scratch at home rather than purchased pre made or pre frozen, pre-cooked or pre- whatever you want to call it imitations of food . Here are 3 of my blog viewers who made a delicious something and ema...