Hamburger Helper

If you've ever had Hamburger helper, you know exactly how delicious it is. Almost every kids favorite junkie meal and every moms quick throw together ready in minutes. The only down side is that it is not all natural, the powder which is the main item to the dish is what I consider as a mystery powder (you have no idea all that's in it.) One of the ingredients labeled on the package is MSG (Not a good thing) Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats. . Here I am teaching you how to make it on your own from scratch. Few ingredients and same great taste as that boxed stuff without the mystery powder. You know exactly what you are adding to your food. So grab your pots and pans and Follow along: Hamburger Helper Servings: 4 Servings Prep Time: 2 Minutes Total Time: 15 Minutes Source: Elise Jackson Ingredients 1 lb ground beef 1 pack egg noodle pasta (e...