
Hi dear blog viewers, today I am showing you how to make your basic cake

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

This cake was actually done by one of my blog viewers named Amanda from Dallas,TX. Great job Amanda. To make it, is very simple. For instance, this recipe below is your basic vanilla cake recipe.I use this recipe for almost anything. Follow it and just add in these few tips to get this pineapple upside down cake.

Instead of milk add 1 cup of pineapple juice.
When you butter and flour your cake pan pour about 1/2 cup brown sugar on the bottom of the tray and  put your pineapple circles neatly on top of the brown sugar. Lining up the bottom of the tray. Pour your cake mix on there. Bake as recommended. After it comes out of the oven just add your cherries to each circle after the cake is cooled and is flipped over.

For different cakes. All you need to do is substitute your flavor in order to change the taste. For instance with this same recipe you can add in  chocolate powder  at the end and it becomes chocolate cake, you can add in strawberry powder and it becomes strawberry cake, add in pineapple juice, orange juice or coconut milk in the place of the 1 cup of milk and it becomes pineapple, orange or coconut cake. Add in sprinkles to make it colorful, shredded carrots, raisins and walnuts to make a carrot cake, or even add chunks or snickers or even m&m's like I did here and make m&m cake.

Your Basic Cake Recipe
1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
2  3/4 cup flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup milk
Your flavor (optional) chocolate powder, strawberry powder, m&m's, sprinkles etc.

Preheat your oven to 350F or 180C. Then get a large mixing bowl and put in your butter and sugar mix well until all combined and crumbly. After mixed add your eggs and then mix again until all combined and smooth; add flour a little at a time and mix it until smooth, then add a little more and mix until smooth. Keep doing this until all your flour is gone (Do not pour the entire 2 3/4 cups of flour all at once into your mix because when you go to mix it. it will get lumpy. Pour a little at a time) once your flour is all mixed in and smooth. The batter will be a little tough but smooth. Then add your baking powder and mix until smooth. Then add your milk and vanilla - mix until smooth.

There you go. Your vanilla cake.
If you want chocolate just add a little chocolate powder to your mix and there you go your chocolate cake batter.

Very Important Step: (Here is where a lot of people mess up their cake)After you mix your batter grease your cake tin(what you are using to put the cake in the oven) grease it well with butter. Butter it up good. Put butter all over it. Then sprinkle some flour on the cake tin over the butter. The flour is going to stick to the butter and form a crust so that the cake won't stick to the pan and will be easy to flip when it is done.

Pour your batter into your well greased cake tin and put it into your already preheated oven and bake it for exactly 45 minutes. (DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN AT ALL WHILE THE CAKE IS BAKING) by doing that your cake will sink and have a hole in the middle.

45 minutes later your cake is warm, delicious and ready to eat. Try it...

How to get the best out of your cooking
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Don't  miss out on opportunities to become a better cook for yourself, your family and friends.

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From my kitchen to yours, God Bless
Elise Jackson


  1. Hi, Elise
    Silvia and I made your basic cake and sold it in the church for CBC fundraise.It was gone within minutes.
    They loved it so much that they asked her to make more next sunday. Silvia also want you to know that this is the first time she ever made a cake from scratch. She said that from now on she will be making it all the time for her and for CBC fundraise.

  2. Wow, thats amazing and wonderful to hear. I am happy it was such a success : - ) thanks for sharing


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