100% All Natural Juice

Heres a tip for you fruit and vegetable lovers and much more for those of you who dislike it. Try this: To get the good stuff, 'All Natural' fruit juice with nothing added and all the vitamins. You need a juicer, there are so many of them on the market right now and they all have a variation of prices. Get one that fits your budget. But it surely is a great investment. You can take any fruit or vegetables you have and turn it into a drinkable and deliciously flavored juice. Here I made a juice with strawberries, apples, pears and cantaloupe. The nice thing about this is that you don't ever need to buy juice again because you make it fresh on the spot, no sugar, water or anything else needs to be added. It simply extracts all of the juice from your fruit or vegetable and turns it into the juice. Excellent for those who don't normally eat the amounts of fruits or vegetables they should normally intake in a day, or for people who hate eating fruits and vegetab...