A lot of great blogs at your fingertips

    If you can climb higher, why stand still? If you can learn something new, why choose not to?

Growing up I never had the opportunities of today. To be able to get anything needed just a click away on the internet... Unheard of. To be able to get inspiration for all areas coming from everywhere.. Un imaginable.

In todays day and age we have no reason to lack or not know how to do something. The only way that can happen is if we really don't want to learn. There are loads of blogs from bp's, pr's, pr's and bp's wives available to help you in growing Spiritually. For getting closer to God, knowing how to develop your faith as a christian etc.

But even down to the more physical things. Look at all these great blogs at your disposal:

My Cooking Blog : http://inthekitchenwithelise.blogspot.com
My sisters love life and dating the right way blog: http://howtodategodsway.blogspot.com
My moms Hair, Fashion and Beauty Blog: http://hairfashionandbeauty.blogspot.com
My husbands NEW health and fitness blog: http://getitinfit.blogspot.com

There are so many great blogs out there for al of your needs. So put in your email, subscribe and take advantage of this great opportunity you have to learn, and take care of God's temple both on the inside and also on the outside.

From my kitchen to yours
God Bless


  1. Mrs jackson I totally agree with this message especially this "In todays day and age we have no reason to lack or not know how to do something. The only way that can happen is if we really don't want to learn"


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