Pistachio Crusted Salmon

Pistachio Crusted Salmon
Servings: 4 Servings
Prep time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Source: Elise Jackson

1 fresh Salmon filet (Cut into 4 peices)
8oz unshelled pistachios
seasonings: olive oil, salt, crushed red peppers, garlic powder

lightly drizzle a little vinegar on the salmon peices and rinse well and pat dry using a paper towel. Season and set aside. ( I always suggest first rinsing with vinegar on salmon because this removes the excess oil that salmon naturally has. Because of this excess oil, when you cook the salmon you will see a sort of white ooze that comes out. Using vinegar prevents this from happening)

In a food processor or blender grind up your pistachios and add a pinch of salt. Place onto a plate and batter your fish by simply pressing it down onto the pistachios on both sides. Set a frying pan with olive oil on medium heat and fry your salmon for no more than about 3-4 minutes each side. The salmon should still look pink and just begin to flake. Overcooking the salmon will make it tough and tasteless. Be careful with the timing. As soon as you notice it begin to flake and become a slightly lighter pink. It is already done.

Goes great with salads for a light meal

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Enjoy, From my kitchen to yours


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