Canja de Galinha - Chicken Soup

Canja de Galinha
Servings: 6 Servings
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes
Source: Elise Jackson

olive oil
1 onion (diced small)
3 garlic (cloves crushed)
2 chicken breast (cleaned and cut into small cubes)
3 carrots shredded
2 cups green vegetable (broccoli, cabbage, collard greens)
2 cup rice
3 cups chicken broth
1 cup water
1/3 cup tomato sauce
salt, paprika, pepper (to taste)

Season and cook your chicken in olive oil on medium low heat. Once browned and full cooked add in your garlic and onion. Cook for another 2 minutes or until onions start to get golden.Add in chicken broth and water. Mix in well and bring to a simmer.

Add in rice, when you see that rice is cooked, (Approximately 10 - 15 minutes for white rice and 20 - 25 minutes for brown rice) add in your carrots and green vegetable. Let cook for about 10 minutes. Check the salt, if needed add in salt, pepper and your paprika. Add in your tomato sauce for color, mix and cook for 5 minutes.

Serve warm,

Note: If the soup is too thick add in water, if it is too watery add in a little mashed potatoes or more rice to thicken it.

Tip: When making this with collard greens as pictured above, I like adding in the collard greens right in the beginning with the chicken in order to cook it down and get rid of that sour taste that collard greens tend to have. But feel free to do it as you like.

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From my kitchen to yours
God Bless


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