Ready to Cook?

For the last year I have been working on many other tasks and responsibilities and haven't had the opportunity to post anything here on my cooking blog. Sorry about that, as I know there are many of you who love coming here daily and receiving new recipes, tips and ideas for cooking. Keep posted as you will continue to regularly get posts from me as I am back into action.

For those of you who are new to my blog here is some info for you:
I am a Christian and a firm believer in God. Married for nearly 11 years
When I do something it is because I know for sure it is not a waste of my time but instead a way to serve God more.
I Really enjoy and have a passion for cooking and creating different dishes. To me cooking is a work of art. Something that is needed on a daily basis anyway. After all every one eats, right...
I like to cook and have the whole eating experience done with style, and cannot understand how it is that so many people do not have the understanding of creating unique dishes. So I have made it my mission to teach people how to get into their kitchen and more involved in cooking.

With that being said, lets get ready to cook and become better housewives, mothers, daughters, sisters, friends and an altogether better you. Cooking plays a big role in everything you do. If you are lazy and not interested in bettering yourself in such a simple area as the kitchen, then most likely you won't be willing to push yourself to become better in any other area of your life.

As I have traveled the world, and spoken to many people, I have noticed the immense problem in obesity. Ladies who are overweight, sick and unhealthy just because of the types of food they eat. Many eat out on a daily basis and others cook very unhealthy foods for lack of knowing better.

Lets fix this problem. Start with yourself and commit to following the instructions here on the blog and pushing yourself to change, I am sure you will see many results.

Many people both male and female often send me emails of their testimonials on how they simply pushed themselves and followed the directions I gave on the blog, and as a result had a change in their eating habits, lost weight, have happier family members, due to delicious home cooked meals rather than eating out and others even got married (Some ladies emailed me stating that throughout the period in which they strived to better themselves in the kitchen, they wanted to one day become and excellent wife with many talents. God saw their efforts and dedication to learning; and He blessed them with a husband. Some of them are already married and others are engaged to be married)

Just like most things in life. It all starts with a decision and a first step on your part. lets get ready to start cooking

From my kitchen to yours
God Bless


  1. Hello Mrs Elise :-) So glad you're back! Ready to learn more and be a better cook and much better me!

    I am one of those who have benefitted so much from your blog. I started following it during a bad time in my life.

    Today I am a happy woman of God and I also got married to a man of God.

    Hugs and Kisses
    Cape Town, South Africa

  2. Hello Mrs Elise :-) So glad you're back! Ready to learn more and be a better cook and much better me!

    I am one of those who have benefitted so much from your blog. I started following it during a bad time in my life.

    Today I am a happy woman of God and I also got married to a man of God.

    Hugs and Kisses
    Cape Town, South Africa

  3. Hi Mrs Elise
    I'm so happy you are back. I'm looking forward to learning from you this year.

  4. Hi Mrs Elise
    I'm so happy you are back. I'm looking forward to learning from you this year.


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