Sweet Potato Pie

Sweet Potatoes can be used in a multitude of ways. They recently came out with the sweet potato fries, which I find amazing. I like making sweet potato mashed potatoes, but there is also Namibian sweet potato frittersstuffed sweet potatoes, yams and so much more that you can do with this delicious vegetable; both sweet and savory.

Here I am teaching you how to make an American traditional dessert. Sweet Potato Pie... Yummy.  At thanksgiving this is the #1 dessert on every Americans table : - )  I enjoy it so much that I don't wait all year. I make it often since its super simple to make and not such a guilty dessert. Tastes great with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream on top or a squeeze of whipped cream.

2 pie crusts
5 sweet potatoes
1 cup sugar
1 1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup butter
1 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tbsp ground nutmeg

How to make it:
Place your pie crust in the oven on 325F/162C for about 12 minutes or until golden. Remove from oven and set aside while you prepare your filling.

Get a big pot of water boiling, peel your potatoes and put them into the boiling water. Boil sweet potatoes for a long time until they become extremely soft, where a fork pierces it very easily. Drain out your water and mash your sweet potatoes very well. (Some people may like it chunky as a pie. But it tastes much better when it is smooth. So try to mash your potatoes very well to become extremely smooth) Once well mashed, add in your butter, milk, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix well with a hand mixer and beat until all well incorporated.

Take this filling and scoop it into the center of your pie crust. Smooth it out with a knife to make the top nice and flat. Bake it in the oven on 325F/162C  for about 25 - 30 minutes. (A great tip for the edges of the pie crust to not get burnt since you pre baked them. Get pieces of aluminum foil and wrap them all around the crust of the pie, before placing it in the oven. This allows the edges not to overcook and get burnt before the rest of the pie cooks.)

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From my kitchen to yours
God bless


  1. I will try it it's a little different than Grandma's. There is no vanilla or eggs since people put coconut in it

  2. I will try it it's a little different than Grandma's. There is no vanilla or eggs since people put coconut in it

  3. Please Brazilian collard greens salad with Sra salt please teach me than you


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