Homemade Garlic Butter

 Garlic butter is amazing to use on toast to eat along with your favorite pasta dishes such as spaghetti, or alfredo, lasagna  or even on toast just by itself for that added flavor. Made in a few easy steps; no need to buy garlic bread at the store make your own at home.

1/4 cup finely chopped parsley
1 tsp oregano
pinch salt, pepper, garlic powder

Get a few pieces of garlic pieces and crush it well. Sautee it in a small pot with a dot of butter, for about 30 seconds. Just until lightly browned. Set aside and let it cool.

In a jar get a few big spoons of butter and very lightly season it with salt, pepper and garlic powder, add a few pieces of chopped fresh parsley and oregano. Now add in your already cooled sautéed garlic and mix well with a wooden spoon until all well incorporated.

Refrigerate and use as needed, your done

From my kitchen to yours
God Bless


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