Parsley Juice

Parsley juices are great for kidney cleansing and liver detoxifications, If you have kidney stones, liver problems or just need a good detox. This is what you need to make. Parsley is really great for that. Especially when you blend it up like this causing you to have way more parsley in just a few gulps. 

It doesn't have to be a gross drink that you can only swallow holding your nose : - ) Depending on how you make it, it can actually come out very tasty and just like regular juice adding in your favorite fruits to enhance the flavor. 


your favorite fruit (apples, strawberries, mango, pineapples, pear etc.)

Blend it all up in the blender until very smooth, taste it to see if it needs more sugar. If it is not sweet enough either add in more of your fruit or  a little sugar. If its too thick add more water. Blend until just right; then use a strainer and strain out the juice into a cup leaving out the pulp.

From my kitchen to yours
God Bless


  1. It will give me energy to go all day :)

  2. What?! Parsley, it sound a bit werd but I will give it a go :D
    It wont hurt to try it, love the idea of adding fruit, it will surely taste great...


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