Is the quickest way always the best way? Part II

Of course, on any given day a person in their right mind would want to take the quick or easy way out of anything. Thats human nature. But Unique - is to be the person who does differently. The one who goes against the wave and chooses to take the harder path knowingly. Positive that it will give a more rewarding result.

Take a look at history. Those who were successful in achieving something big, had to think outside the box; persevere beyond their own limitations and reach toward a goal even higher then themselves. It was never easy... Research their story, walk a day in their shoes, ask the questions. I guarantee that each one will tell you the same thing.

'It is hard to achieve the impossible'

Albert Einstein - Insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results
Thomas Edison - I haven't failed I just found 10,000 ways that don't work
Richard Branson - failure is just a reason to try again
Apostle Paul - I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith
Jesus - Please take this cup from me, but nevertheless let not my will but yours be done.
Milton Berle - If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.

In all of these quotes you see behind it difficult moments in their lives. Hurdels they had to jump over, tears they had to cry. All for this greater purpose they endured. So 'Is the quickest way always the best way?' No! Defiently not.
If you want results to look back at and be proud of, you definitely will need to take that hard road ahead.

I know this is a cooking blog, but hang on I am going somewhere with this

Follow the continuation in part III tomorrow


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