Orange cupcake

Picture this: An orange flavored cupcake filled with soft milk chocolate and covered with a really good cream cheese frosting; decorated with an orange chocolate leaf on top.This was really, really fun to make and didn't take much time to do at all. You can do the same but flavor your cupcake, filling and frosting however you want. To get your own unique blend of flavors. I absolutely loved mine.

Play with your cake flavors, why only try vanilla cake when there are a world of flavors out there. Take this basic cake recipe which I use for almost anything and add vanilla extract to make it vanilla, add chocolate or strawberry powder to make it that flavor or even replace the milk for your pinnacle or orange juice to make it that flavor.

To make this orange cake. Follow my basic cake recipe just DO NOT ADD VANILLA EXTRACT and in the place of the milk add instead 1 cup orange juice. Put your cake in muffin pans and bake in the oven for 25 min. Once they are done use a cupcake filler and pipe in your filling. 
After you filled it, make your cream cheese frosting by following the recipe here  and use this frosting to pipe nicely on top of your cupcakes. If you don't have the cake tips or pipping bags like mine. Be creative and make a small hole in the cake and add in your filling and for the frosting use a knife and spread your frosting on top.

Then what I did was I got a chocolate mold and used orange colored chocolate chips and melted it in the microwave for 30 seconds and put it on the mold, and placed it in the freezer for about 5 minutes to create these shapes and designs; and put it nicely on top of the cupcake. Look at these cool cupcakes.

From my kitchen to yours
God Bless


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