How do I cook Leeks?

Recently I have been trying a few new vegetables that I am not normally used to eating. Among one of these new veggies that I've tried is Leeks. I have often seen them in stores and have often heard about them but have never tried it myself until a few weeks ago. But the way that I cooked it came out really delicious; Leeks have a slight similar taste and texture to that of cabbage.

I rinsed them well then I Cut them up
I also chopped up a few pieces of bacon threw it in a frying pan and cooked it till golden and threw in my leeks and sautéed them together (Mixed them together) for about 5 minutes or less until my leeks were soft and a bit golden. Add some salt and pepper.

Your done, serve it as a side to any meal. A greatly proportioned meal should have your meat, your starch and your veggie (leeks)

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From my kitchen to yours


  1. Wow, very creative. I also never eat leeks. I'll add them to my shopping list and try them out. Sounds quite simple to make. I love a meal with the correct balance- vegetables are delicious :)!

  2. I thought I was the only one that didnt try it yet :-) but now i cant be left behind, I just need to follow the recipe.

    it looks really delicious, thanks Mrs Elise for sharing. kisses


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