Every Woman's Dream

I've got every woman's dream. A few days ago was my 8th anniversary. I have been married to a great husband, couldn't have asked for someone better. God truly knew what He was doing when He matched us up. I mean, all I needed to do was trust that He would take care of my love life. That's all. That simple.

By trusting that He would take care of my love life. I demonstrated that trust by actually trusting. I didn't need to date this guy or that guy or sleep around to 'test the waters' as they say. I didn't need to have sleepless nights worrying about where my guy is, didn't care if I was seen as the girl with not boyfriend all throughout high school. I just trusted God.

You don't need to be some religious person to do that. It's just a decision you make and what you force your body to do or not do. For instance if I borrow you $100 because I trust you will give it back to me next week. I don't need to keep asking you for it, I don't need to ask others for money because you won't come through with your end of deal. I trust you, You will do it... Same with God. You do your part. Trust Him, and let Him do His share. Find that Princess or Prince for you.

It's not a fairy tale. But these kinds of people do live 'Happily Ever After'. I do...

Anyway, for my 8th anniversary my husband decided to surprise me with a professionally made anniversary cake. On the cake a love declaration letter, bow and our picture all made out of edible treats. The cake itself was 3 layers of vanilla cake filled with nutella chocolate mousse.                          (I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE chocolate) Really creative. The icing on top was marzipan (a type of hard shaping icing used to cover and decorate a cake)

Needless to say, I was completely shocked. It was really thoughtful of my sweetheart to do this. He had to have put a lot of thinking into it. You see, my husband is my prince charming. Your prince charming or princess is out there somewhere but you need to get him or her the right way. By trusting God to give him/her to you.

If you haven't figured it out already, alone you'll only end up choosing the wrong ones. who will sleep with you, use you and forget about you by the next morning. Not someone who will constantly be thinking about you and figuring out little ways to make you happy,someone who wants to know who YOU truly are and not whats under your clothes. Do you catch my drift?

Hopefully this is thought provoking enough.

God Bless


  1. Thank you for sharing your story ! Happy 8th Anniversary

  2. Wow Mrs Elise. That was really romantic of Pr Damien. When I got the mail notification about the message you posted, I just wondered what was this "Dream of Every Woman". But,you are absolutely right! To find someone that we'll be happy forever after with is every woman's dream...I know that's what I want!

    I can see that you thoroughly had a great day. May God continue to bless and guide into many more years of blessed bliss.

  3. Happy anniversary my love. Keep growing with Jesus. Love you both. mwahhhhhhh.

  4. happy belated anniversary Mrs Elise :-) may the Lord bless your ministry as you are sacrificing to save more souls.

    God bless you and your Husband

  5. really the cake took alots of thinking. very nicely designed with love.


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