The Pleasures of Traveling

As I had mentioned before in another blog post.  I am visiting Brazil with my husband Damien. Speaking a lot to the Youth of Brazil. It has been a true eye opener to me and an extremely humbling yet amazing experience.

By the way have you met my husband Damien? Author of the book 'Shoulda Been Dead'

Access his website and blog below to know more about him

By the way, have you read the book yet? It is available in English, French, Portuguese and almost done in Spanish. If you haven't, Get your copy here:

I love to see how in each State or Country that we go to we are well received by everyone alike as well as to see these youth and people in general be so receptive of his story and life change, many of them can completely relate. Is a true blessing.

Though these videos are in Portuguese I just wanted to share this with you so that you can see what I have been up to.

I cannot post a recipe yet because as I am not home. I have not been the one cooking. Instead I have had the pleasure of eating food that others cooked for me each day with so much love.

Keep posted on my blog for more updates. I will be posting more things, very soon.
Talk to you soon  :  )

P.S.  If you are in Rio or Sao Paulo, Brazil or even if you know someone who lives there and know they will benefit from this. Tell them to come to these events.

In Rio de Janeiro this Saturday  Aug 25th at 10am. The address is:
Av. Dom Helder Câmara, 4242 (antiga Av. Suburbana)

In Sao Paulo on the same day, Aug 25th at 3pm. The address is:
Avenida João Dias, 1800, Santo Amaro  São Paulo

See you there.


  1. Elise, que o Senhor Jesus te abencoe ainda mais, E de forcas a voces dois para abencoar aos jovens do mundo, estou muito feliz por voces,beijos

    Ana- Porto Rico

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello…

    We miss you here in Texas, well also Louisiana. Rsrsrsrs

    God Bless you and pastor..
    I’ve been seeing so many pictures and Testimonies of youth that have decided to change, because they were inspired by pastor’s testimony. What I blessing! Can’t wait to see you and find out more details. Saw you on IURDTV… ☺


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