When your dish falls apart ( Literally!!!)

This is what It was supposed to look like

I made a lemon and poppy seed cake just a few days ago for a picnic with a few friends but as it can happen to anyone no matter how good you are in the kitchen. 

My cake fell apart into what seemed to be a million pieces. What to do. I had no more ingredients to make another one, no more time to try and bake something else and all I had was this mush.


When this happens to you, you need to improvise. Whenever your dish turns out to be; not what you quite expected ! make something good out of it. Look around your kitchen and use creativity to fix it up.

So for me instead of trying to serve a whole cake, I cut it up into carful broken slices and placed it onto a tray carefully, then used tiny muffin cups and added tiny pieces of fruit just to add color. No one would have ever known it turned out to be a disaster.

From my kitchen to yours, God Bless


  1. Awesome and creative. The whole cake picture; was that the same cake or another time you made it?

  2. No, the whole cake was another time that I made it. This time it came out nothing like that but instead a million literal pieces.

  3. I also made a cake the other day but the follow up to making this cake was crazy. I got home at about 11pm and I needed to bake this cake and have It ready for 7am the next day, what happened? I found out I had no cake tin to bake the cake in the oven with, It was supposed to be a chocolate cake but I had no cocoa powder, I had lent my cake box to a friend the previous week and the cake was to big to go in the other one I
    had, I needed to boil some milk but I couldn't because of the time; it would have taken too long, there was hole at
    the top of the cake when I removed it from the dish I baked it in but it all worked out in the end... I'll send
    some pictures. I must say that this taught me something, it taught me that you must always be ready, your mind
    must be alert and click as soon as things go wrong
    because in life this is how things are but if we know how
    to sort it out, things would be different.

  4. Wow Zarete, it seems like you did a really good job. Yes you are right you must be alert to have a plan B when something goes wrong. Good Job. I look forward to seeing pictures : )


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