Sugar roasted nuts

These things are always so delicious but every time I buy them at amusement parks, fairs, stores or even on the streets of NewYork. They are always so expensive. Yet they are so simple to make at home. Here is how.

To Make it:
1 cup Cashews (or any other nut that you like)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
1 egg white
1 tsp of vanilla (optional)

Now Preheat your oven to 250F about 130C and  use wax paper to line a baking tray. Make sure to spray the wax paper with butter or just use regular butter to grease the wax paper.

Make sure to spray it really well! These nuts will stick really bad to the pan if you don't use wax paper or spray it well!

Then beat  your egg white and (optional) vanilla in a bowl. Now pour  your cashews into the vanilla egg mixture and stir.

Make sure to cover all the cashews with the vanilla egg mixture.

Now either in a big bowl or big ziplock bag add both of your sugars mixed together then add in your cashews and shake or stir really well.

Make sure to coat all of the cashews.
Pour the cashews onto your baking sheet with the wax paper sprayed with cooking spray.

Use a spoon or something to spread them out into a single layer.
These need to cook for about 1 hour.
Make sure you stir them  about every 15 - 20 minutes so that they will not stick or burn,
Really delicious and easy to make from your own home :  )
From My kitchen to yours,
God Bless


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