Cooking 101

In order to cook great food you have to enjoy it. You have to enjoy what you do in life period if you want it to turn out well. People who do something they hate doing always end up miserable doing it and always end up doing it to the worst of their ability because they just want to get out of there and get out quickly. If you go to the kitchen with that attitude it will show through your food.

Enjoy what you do. Enjoy cooking, even if you hate cooking find something about it that you like.

I once had someone tell me that they hate cooking and that they hate being in the kitchen period because they feel it is monotonous (repetitive work). This person hated washing dishes and cooking because she said in her words " you stand over the stove to cook, then you have to wash those dishes, you stand over the stove again to cook something else then you wash those dishes, then you eat and you have to stand near  the sink again and wash those dishes" she hated it.

If you find something in there that you like, if you find enjoyment in making your food taste good and decorating the plate in a different way  or something else; then you will enjoy being there and it won't be a prison for you but instead your art room. Put music in your background while you cook( I 've done that before), cook something new, something you enjoy eating, something fun to make, decorate  and shape it into anything you want.

I will show you how to do that as the days go bye. Also whenever you cook something great or decorated your kitchen or your plate or did anything that we speak about here, or would  just like to share something please email me at and I can display your pictures and ideas here.

Keep posted to these daily blogs at "In the kitchen with Elise"; oh and don't forget to subscribe below to receive emails of the daily posts right in your inbox.

We meet again tomorrow in the kitchen
                     God Bless


  1. Thanks Mrs.Elise!

    You're riht, we have to find some thing that interests us in the kitchen in order for it to come out right, thanks, I'll be keeping this in mind :)

  2. Oi Elise amei seu Blog :-), Vou sempre entrar, bjsss
    Celia Costa


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